1. Richard G

    Stott is clear on his position, I read that C. Pinnock and Michael Green also take the same view. Which other Evangelical theologians are at least sympathetic to this viewpoint?

    • Dirk Waren

      Here are several current ministers off the top of my head: David Reagan of Lamb & Lion Ministries, David Kirkwood of Heaven’s Family, Paul Ellis of Escape to Reality (although I strongly disagree with his “radical grace” perspective, which is cleared-up here), Jay Altieri, our in-house Douglas Barry (which is a pseudonym since he ministers 70 times a year in assemblies, many of which embrace the eternal torture doctrine) and me & my ministry, Fountain of Life.

      In addition, here are myriad notables from Church History:

      Leo X, Pietro Pomponatius, Martin Luther, Francis Blackburne, William Tyndale, John Frith, George Wishart, Johann von Mosheim, Joseph Priestley, Richard/Robert Overton, Samuel Richardson, John Milton, George Wither, John Jackson, John Canne, John Tillotson, Isaac Barrow, William Coward, Henry Layton, Joseph Nicol Scott, Joseph Priestley, Edmund Law, Peter Pecard, Francis Blackburne, William Warburton, Samuel Burn, William Whiston, John Tottie, Henry Dodwell, Timothy Kendrick, Amos Phelps, William Thomson, Edward White, John Thomas, H.H. Dobney, Richard Whately, Dean Henry Alford, James Panton Ham, Charles F. Hudson, Robert W. Dale, Frederick W. Farrar, Herman Olshausen, Henry Constable, William E. Gladstone, Joseph Parker, John J. S. Perowne, George G. Stokes, W.A. Brown, J. Agar Beet, R. F. Weymouth, Lyman Abbott, Edward Beecher, Emmanuel Pétavel-Olliff, Franz Delitzsch, Charles J. Ellicott, George Dana Boardman, J.H. Pettingell, Canon William H.M. Hay Aitken, Eric Lewis, William Temple, Gerardus van der Leeuw, Aubrey R. Vine, Martin J. Heinecken, David R. Davies, Basil F.C. Atkinson, Emil Brunner, Reinhold Niebuhr, T.A. Kantonen, D. R. G. Owen, E.W. Bullinger, Oscar Cullmann (1902-1999), Helmut Thielicke (1908-1986), F. F. Bruce (1910-1990) and John William Wenham (1913-1996)

      I realize that not all of these are technically “Evangelicals,” but they certainly all believed in evangelizing the lost.

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